The code structure of inference/predict stage is quite similar to MNIST inference code, please read this for precise explanation.
Here, I will simply put the code and its results.
CIFAR-10 inference code
Code is uploaded on github as
"""Inference/predict code for CIFAR-10 model must be trained before inference, must be executed beforehand. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import argparse import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import chainer import chainer.functions as F import chainer.links as L from chainer import training, iterators, serializers, optimizers, Variable, cuda from import extensions from CNNSmall import CNNSmall from CNNMedium import CNNMedium CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST = [ 'airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck' ] def main(): archs = { 'cnnsmall': CNNSmall, 'cnnmedium': CNNMedium, } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cifar-10 CNN predict code') parser.add_argument('--arch', '-a', choices=archs.keys(), default='cnnsmall', help='Convnet architecture') #parser.add_argument('--batchsize', '-b', type=int, default=64, # help='Number of images in each mini-batch') parser.add_argument('--modelpath', '-m', default='result-cifar10-cnnsmall/cnnsmall-cifar10.model', help='Model path to be loaded') parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=int, default=-1, help='GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)') args = parser.parse_args() print('GPU: {}'.format(args.gpu)) #print('# Minibatch-size: {}'.format(args.batchsize)) print('') # 1. Setup model class_num = 10 model = archs[args.arch](n_out=class_num) classifier_model = L.Classifier(model) if args.gpu >= 0: chainer.cuda.get_device(args.gpu).use() # Make a specified GPU current classifier_model.to_gpu() # Copy the model to the GPU xp = np if args.gpu < 0 else cuda.cupy serializers.load_npz(args.modelpath, model) # 2. Load the CIFAR-10 dataset train, test = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10() basedir = 'images' plot_predict_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_predict.png'), model, train, 4, 5, scale=5., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST) def plot_predict_cifar(filepath, model, data, row, col, scale=3., label_list=None): fig_width = data[0][0].shape[1] / 80 * row * scale fig_height = data[0][0].shape[2] / 80 * col * scale fig, axes = plt.subplots(row, col, figsize=(fig_height, fig_width)) for i in range(row * col): # train[i][0] is i-th image data with size 32x32 image, label_index = data[i] xp = cuda.cupy x = Variable(xp.asarray(image.reshape(1, 3, 32, 32))) # test data #t = Variable(xp.asarray([test[i][1]])) # labels y = model(x) # Inference result prediction = image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) print('Predicted {}-th image, prediction={}, actual={}' .format(i, prediction[0], label_index)) r, c = divmod(i, col) axes[r][c].imshow(image) # cmap='gray' is for black and white picture. if label_list is None: axes[r][c].set_title('Predict:{}, Answer: {}' .format(label_index, prediction[0])) else: pred = int(prediction[0]) axes[r][c].set_title('Predict:{} {}\nAnswer:{} {}' .format(label_index, label_list[label_index], pred, label_list[pred])) axes[r][c].axis('off') # do not show axis value plt.tight_layout(pad=0.01) # automatic padding between subplots plt.savefig(filepath) print('Result saved to {}'.format(filepath)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
This outputs the result as,

You can see that even small CNN, it successfully classifies most of the images. Of course this is just a simple example and you can improve the model accuracy by tuning the deep neural network!
CIFAR-100 inference code
In the same way, code is uploaded on github as

CIFAR-100 is more difficult than CIFAR-10 in general because there are more class to classify but exists fewer number of training image data.
Again, the accuracy can be improved by tuning the deep neural network model, try it!
That’s all for understanding CNN, next is to understand RNN, LSTM used in Natual Language Processing.