[Updated on May 31: Add detail description for ChainerCV & ChainerMN]
Recently several sub-libraries for Chainer are released,
RL: Reinforcement Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning library.

Recent state-of-the-art deep reinforcement algorithms are implemented, including
- A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic)
- ACER (Actor-Critic with Experience Replay) (only the discrete-action version for now)
- Asynchronous N-step Q-learning
- DQN (including Double DQN, Persistent Advantage Learning (PAL), Double PAL, Dynamic Policy Programming (DPP))
- DDPG (Deep Deterministic Poilcy Gradients) (including SVG(0))
- PGT (Policy Gradient Theorem)
How to install
pip install chainerrl
CV: Computer Vision
Image processing library for deep learning training. Common data-augmentation are implemented. Also the trained models for Bounding box detection and semantic segmentation are provided.
How to install
pip install chainercv
MN: Multi Node
Distributed deep learning framework for Chainer.

It was announced at Deep Learning Summit 2017 that training time for ImageNet classification task took 4.4 hours (ResNet-50, 100 Epochs, 128 GPUs), which is fastest among other distributed deep learning frameworks known to date.
How to install
You need to install CUDA-aware API and NCCL beforehand, and then,
pip install cython pip install chainermn