When I’m doing personal project, or making some documents, it always bother me how to find out contents (icons, videos, photos/pictures, musics) in accordance with copy right issues.
However, you don’t need to worry about copy right issues with contents under CC0 (public domain) license. Here, I will list up some links which is under Creative Commons license.
When I Google with “cc0 video”, it shows several web services which is providing CC0 lisenced videos.
Short scenery videos are provided in this site, the video is categorized so that you can look through the web site easily.
The videos in this site is all CC0 license.

Similar to PEXELS, you can find only CC0 licensed Videos/Photos.
The contents here is high quality, not the selection of user’s

I like the quality of above 2 web sites, top featured image is also uploaded in PLiXS. But the number of videos are a little bit few. Below links are other sites you can look at.
- Vimeo
- Flickr
You can find the videos posted by users with CC0 license. You can find variety of contents but they are not organized. So it may be difficult to find your desired content, but you can explore to find out “treasure” contents for you.
Same way, there are some sites that is introducing free usage musics.
About Creative Commons
Creative Commons is one of the famous license for creative products that is to declare the content is open to use under some conditions. There are several type of conditions, see official explanation for license details.
For example, license called CC BY-SA requires you below 2 conditions
- Attribution: you must give appropriate credit to original material.
- ShareAlike: you must distribute your material under the same license.
In other words, you can use material by just following above conditions (commercial usage is also allowed).
Most “open”, dedicated license type is “pulblic domain”, also known as “CC0“. Its meaning is “No Rights Reserved”, so you can use contents under CC0 freely. It is even free with commercial usage and not necessary to show attribution.