CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 dataset introduction

Source code is uploaded on github.

CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 are the small image datasets with its classification labeled. It is widely used for easy image classification task/benchmark in research community.

In Chainer, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 dataset can be obtained with build-in function.

Setup code: 

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import chainer
basedir = './src/cnn/images'
from __future__ import print_function import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import numpy as np import chainer basedir = './src/cnn/images'
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np

import chainer

basedir = './src/cnn/images'


chainer.datasets.get_cifar10 method is prepared in Chainer to get CIFAR-10 dataset. Dataset is automatically downloaded from only for the first time, and its cache is used from second time.

train, test = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10()
CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST = [ 'airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck' ] train, test = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10()

train, test = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10()

The dataset structure is quite same with MNIST dataset, it is TupleDataset.
train[i] represents i-th data, there are 50000 training data.
test data structure is same, with 10000 test data.

print('len(train), type ', len(train), type(train))
print('len(test), type ', len(test), type(test))
print('len(train), type ', len(train), type(train)) print('len(test), type ', len(test), type(test))
print('len(train), type ', len(train), type(train))
print('len(test), type ', len(test), type(test))

len(train), type 50000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>
len(test), type 10000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>

train[i] represents i-th data, type=tuple \( (x_i, y_i) \), where \(x_i\) is image data and \(y_i\) is label data.

train[i][0] represents \(x_i\), CIFAR-10 image data, this is 3 dimensional array, (3, 32, 32), which represents RGB channel, width 32 px, height 32 px respectively.

train[i][1] represents \(y_i\), the label of CIFAR-10 image data (scalar), this is scalar value whose actual label can be converted by LABELS_LIST.

Let’s see 0-th data, train[0], in detail.

print('train[0]', type(train[0]), len(train[0]))
x0, y0 = train[0]
print('train[0][0]', x0.shape, x0)
print('train[0][1]', y0.shape, y0, '->', CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST[y0])
print('train[0]', type(train[0]), len(train[0])) x0, y0 = train[0] print('train[0][0]', x0.shape, x0) print('train[0][1]', y0.shape, y0, '->', CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST[y0])
print('train[0]', type(train[0]), len(train[0]))

x0, y0 = train[0]
print('train[0][0]', x0.shape, x0)
print('train[0][1]', y0.shape, y0, '->', CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST[y0])

train[0] <class 'tuple'> 2 train[0][0] (3, 32, 32) [[[ 0.23137257 0.16862746 0.19607845 ..., 0.61960787 0.59607846 0.58039218] [ 0.0627451 0. 0.07058824 ..., 0.48235297 0.4666667 0.4784314 ] [ 0.09803922 0.0627451 0.19215688 ..., 0.46274513 0.47058827 0.42745101] ..., [ 0.81568635 0.78823537 0.77647066 ..., 0.627451 0.21960786 0.20784315] [ 0.70588237 0.67843139 0.72941178 ..., 0.72156864 0.38039219 0.32549021] [ 0.69411767 0.65882355 0.7019608 ..., 0.84705889 0.59215689 0.48235297]] [[ 0.24313727 0.18039216 0.18823531 ..., 0.51764709 0.49019611 0.48627454] [ 0.07843138 0. 0.03137255 ..., 0.34509805 0.32549021 0.34117648] [ 0.09411766 0.02745098 0.10588236 ..., 0.32941177 0.32941177 0.28627452] ..., [ 0.66666669 0.60000002 0.63137257 ..., 0.52156866 0.12156864 0.13333334] [ 0.54509807 0.48235297 0.56470591 ..., 0.58039218 0.24313727 0.20784315] [ 0.56470591 0.50588238 0.55686277 ..., 0.72156864 0.46274513 0.36078432]] [[ 0.24705884 0.17647059 0.16862746 ..., 0.42352945 0.40000004 0.4039216 ] [ 0.07843138 0. 0. ..., 0.21568629 0.19607845 0.22352943] [ 0.08235294 0. 0.03137255 ..., 0.19607845 0.19607845 0.16470589] ..., [ 0.37647063 0.13333334 0.10196079 ..., 0.27450982 0.02745098 0.07843138] [ 0.37647063 0.16470589 0.11764707 ..., 0.36862746 0.13333334 0.13333334] [ 0.45490199 0.36862746 0.34117648 ..., 0.54901963 0.32941177 0.28235295]]]
train[0][1] () 6 -> frog

def plot_cifar(filepath, data, row, col, scale=3., label_list=None):
fig_width = data[0][0].shape[1] / 80 * row * scale
fig_height = data[0][0].shape[2] / 80 * col * scale
fig, axes = plt.subplots(row,
figsize=(fig_height, fig_width))
for i in range(row * col):
# train[i][0] is i-th image data with size 32x32
image, label_index = data[i]
image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0)
r, c = divmod(i, col)
axes[r][c].imshow(image) # cmap='gray' is for black and white picture.
if label_list is None:
axes[r][c].set_title('label {}'.format(label_index))
axes[r][c].set_title('{}: {}'.format(label_index, label_list[label_index]))
axes[r][c].axis('off') # do not show axis value
plt.tight_layout() # automatic padding between subplots
def plot_cifar(filepath, data, row, col, scale=3., label_list=None): fig_width = data[0][0].shape[1] / 80 * row * scale fig_height = data[0][0].shape[2] / 80 * col * scale fig, axes = plt.subplots(row, col, figsize=(fig_height, fig_width)) for i in range(row * col): # train[i][0] is i-th image data with size 32x32 image, label_index = data[i] image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) r, c = divmod(i, col) axes[r][c].imshow(image) # cmap='gray' is for black and white picture. if label_list is None: axes[r][c].set_title('label {}'.format(label_index)) else: axes[r][c].set_title('{}: {}'.format(label_index, label_list[label_index])) axes[r][c].axis('off') # do not show axis value plt.tight_layout() # automatic padding between subplots plt.savefig(filepath)
def plot_cifar(filepath, data, row, col, scale=3., label_list=None):
    fig_width = data[0][0].shape[1] / 80 * row * scale
    fig_height = data[0][0].shape[2] / 80 * col * scale
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(row, 
                             figsize=(fig_height, fig_width))
    for i in range(row * col):
        # train[i][0] is i-th image data with size 32x32
        image, label_index = data[i]
        image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        r, c = divmod(i, col)
        axes[r][c].imshow(image)  # cmap='gray' is for black and white picture.
        if label_list is None:
            axes[r][c].set_title('label {}'.format(label_index))
            axes[r][c].set_title('{}: {}'.format(label_index, label_list[label_index]))
        axes[r][c].axis('off')  # do not show axis value
    plt.tight_layout()   # automatic padding between subplots
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot.png'), train, 4, 5,
scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot_more.png'), train, 10, 10,
scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot.png'), train, 4, 5, scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST) plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot_more.png'), train, 10, 10, scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot.png'), train, 4, 5, 
           scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot_more.png'), train, 10, 10, 
           scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)


CIFAR-100 is really similar to CIFAR-10. The difference is the number of classified label is 100. chainer.datasets.get_cifar100 method is prepared in Chainer to get CIFAR-100 dataset.

'apple', 'aquarium_fish', 'baby', 'bear', 'beaver', 'bed', 'bee', 'beetle',
'bicycle', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'boy', 'bridge', 'bus', 'butterfly', 'camel',
'can', 'castle', 'caterpillar', 'cattle', 'chair', 'chimpanzee', 'clock',
'cloud', 'cockroach', 'couch', 'crab', 'crocodile', 'cup', 'dinosaur',
'dolphin', 'elephant', 'flatfish', 'forest', 'fox', 'girl', 'hamster',
'house', 'kangaroo', 'keyboard', 'lamp', 'lawn_mower', 'leopard', 'lion',
'lizard', 'lobster', 'man', 'maple_tree', 'motorcycle', 'mountain', 'mouse',
'mushroom', 'oak_tree', 'orange', 'orchid', 'otter', 'palm_tree', 'pear',
'pickup_truck', 'pine_tree', 'plain', 'plate', 'poppy', 'porcupine',
'possum', 'rabbit', 'raccoon', 'ray', 'road', 'rocket', 'rose',
'sea', 'seal', 'shark', 'shrew', 'skunk', 'skyscraper', 'snail', 'snake',
'spider', 'squirrel', 'streetcar', 'sunflower', 'sweet_pepper', 'table',
'tank', 'telephone', 'television', 'tiger', 'tractor', 'train', 'trout',
'tulip', 'turtle', 'wardrobe', 'whale', 'willow_tree', 'wolf', 'woman',
train_cifar100, test_cifar100 = chainer.datasets.get_cifar100()
CIFAR100_LABELS_LIST = [ 'apple', 'aquarium_fish', 'baby', 'bear', 'beaver', 'bed', 'bee', 'beetle', 'bicycle', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'boy', 'bridge', 'bus', 'butterfly', 'camel', 'can', 'castle', 'caterpillar', 'cattle', 'chair', 'chimpanzee', 'clock', 'cloud', 'cockroach', 'couch', 'crab', 'crocodile', 'cup', 'dinosaur', 'dolphin', 'elephant', 'flatfish', 'forest', 'fox', 'girl', 'hamster', 'house', 'kangaroo', 'keyboard', 'lamp', 'lawn_mower', 'leopard', 'lion', 'lizard', 'lobster', 'man', 'maple_tree', 'motorcycle', 'mountain', 'mouse', 'mushroom', 'oak_tree', 'orange', 'orchid', 'otter', 'palm_tree', 'pear', 'pickup_truck', 'pine_tree', 'plain', 'plate', 'poppy', 'porcupine', 'possum', 'rabbit', 'raccoon', 'ray', 'road', 'rocket', 'rose', 'sea', 'seal', 'shark', 'shrew', 'skunk', 'skyscraper', 'snail', 'snake', 'spider', 'squirrel', 'streetcar', 'sunflower', 'sweet_pepper', 'table', 'tank', 'telephone', 'television', 'tiger', 'tractor', 'train', 'trout', 'tulip', 'turtle', 'wardrobe', 'whale', 'willow_tree', 'wolf', 'woman', 'worm' ] train_cifar100, test_cifar100 = chainer.datasets.get_cifar100()
    'apple', 'aquarium_fish', 'baby', 'bear', 'beaver', 'bed', 'bee', 'beetle', 
    'bicycle', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'boy', 'bridge', 'bus', 'butterfly', 'camel', 
    'can', 'castle', 'caterpillar', 'cattle', 'chair', 'chimpanzee', 'clock', 
    'cloud', 'cockroach', 'couch', 'crab', 'crocodile', 'cup', 'dinosaur', 
    'dolphin', 'elephant', 'flatfish', 'forest', 'fox', 'girl', 'hamster', 
    'house', 'kangaroo', 'keyboard', 'lamp', 'lawn_mower', 'leopard', 'lion',
    'lizard', 'lobster', 'man', 'maple_tree', 'motorcycle', 'mountain', 'mouse',
    'mushroom', 'oak_tree', 'orange', 'orchid', 'otter', 'palm_tree', 'pear',
    'pickup_truck', 'pine_tree', 'plain', 'plate', 'poppy', 'porcupine',
    'possum', 'rabbit', 'raccoon', 'ray', 'road', 'rocket', 'rose',
    'sea', 'seal', 'shark', 'shrew', 'skunk', 'skyscraper', 'snail', 'snake',
    'spider', 'squirrel', 'streetcar', 'sunflower', 'sweet_pepper', 'table',
    'tank', 'telephone', 'television', 'tiger', 'tractor', 'train', 'trout',
    'tulip', 'turtle', 'wardrobe', 'whale', 'willow_tree', 'wolf', 'woman',

train_cifar100, test_cifar100 = chainer.datasets.get_cifar100()

The dataset structure is quite same with MNIST dataset, it is TupleDataset.

train[i] represents i-th data, there are 50000 training data. Total train data is same size while the number of class label increased. So the training data for each class label is fewer than CIFAR-10 dataset.

test data structure is same, with 10000 test data.

print('len(train_cifar100), type ', len(train_cifar100), type(train_cifar100))
print('len(test_cifar100), type ', len(test_cifar100), type(test_cifar100))
print('train_cifar100[0]', type(train_cifar100[0]), len(train_cifar100[0]))
x0, y0 = train_cifar100[0]
print('train_cifar100[0][0]', x0.shape) # , x0
print('train_cifar100[0][1]', y0.shape, y0)
print('len(train_cifar100), type ', len(train_cifar100), type(train_cifar100)) print('len(test_cifar100), type ', len(test_cifar100), type(test_cifar100)) print('train_cifar100[0]', type(train_cifar100[0]), len(train_cifar100[0])) x0, y0 = train_cifar100[0] print('train_cifar100[0][0]', x0.shape) # , x0 print('train_cifar100[0][1]', y0.shape, y0)
print('len(train_cifar100), type ', len(train_cifar100), type(train_cifar100))
print('len(test_cifar100), type ', len(test_cifar100), type(test_cifar100))

print('train_cifar100[0]', type(train_cifar100[0]), len(train_cifar100[0]))

x0, y0 = train_cifar100[0]
print('train_cifar100[0][0]', x0.shape)  # , x0
print('train_cifar100[0][1]', y0.shape, y0)

len(train_cifar100), type 50000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>
len(test_cifar100), type 10000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>
train_cifar100[0] <class 'tuple'> 2
train_cifar100[0][0] (3, 32, 32)
train_cifar100[0][1] () 19

plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar100_plot_more.png'), train_cifar100,
10, 10, scale=4., label_list=CIFAR100_LABELS_LIST)
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar100_plot_more.png'), train_cifar100, 10, 10, scale=4., label_list=CIFAR100_LABELS_LIST)
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar100_plot_more.png'), train_cifar100,
           10, 10, scale=4., label_list=CIFAR100_LABELS_LIST)

Next: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 training with Convolutional Neural Network

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